To create a workspace, navigate to the list of workspaces by selecting "Workspaces" in the main menu on the left. You will see a list of all workspaces you have access to. To create a new workspace, click the ‘Add’ - button in the top right corner. You will have to give your new workspace a name and select the model and scenario on which to base the workspace. The selected scenario defines the data baseline that will be used as the basis for all simulations you create in your new workspace. After clicking "Create", your new workspace will appear in the overview.
Via the three-dot menu, you can access the settings of a workspace. You can change and adjust all properties, most importantly the simulation horizon. This setting defines the time interval that will be used for all your simultaions.
Open your workspace by clicking on its name.
You will find it empty without any charts or assumptions.You can continue by populating your workspace with new tabs, charts, assumptions, and scenarios.
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