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Valsight Versions


Release History

For an overview about new features in each Valsight version please check out its release notes.

Release Notes 6.3.0

Version 6.3.0 is a major update! If this is your first update since 6.0.0, be sure to check out the previous release notes for versions 6.2.0 and 6.1.0. Sinc...

Release Notes 6.2.0

With Valsight 6.2.0, we're introducing a series of exciting updates to further enhance your data analysis and project management capabilities. This release f...

Release Notes 6.1.0

With the release of Valsight 6.1.0, we introduced significant improvements to data source validation, chart editing, KPI tile configuration, and slider tile ...

Release Notes 6.0.0

Valsight 6.0 introduces major and minor changes to the UI and to functionalities. The following list provides a broad overview of where these changes were ma...

Technical Release Notes

A comprehensive list of all technical information regarding new releases. Includes warnings, which usually have implications on existing models and settings,...

Feature Deprecation

This page lists all features and functions that are deprecated and removed from Valsight. Removals of deprecated features will be announced via the Release N...

Legacy Versions

Version Release Date Details 3.3.0 05 Nov 2019 Release Notes 3.3.0 3.2.0 Release Notes 3.2.0 3.1.0 08 Aug 2019 Release Notes 3.1.0 3.0.0 16 Jul 2019 Release ...

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