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Basic Overview

Assumptions describe an encapsulated change on top of the base data in your Model. They can be used to describe the change in the development of a value driver or to describe the effect of a planned or discussed measure. Assumptions describe a potential alternative and group all changes related to the issue, typically affecting multiple line-items in the model.

Creating Assumptions

In Valsight, you can create assumptions in the Scenario Manager by clicking the ‘Plus’ button and selecting “Create Assumption” from the resulting dialog.

You will find the new assumption listed in the Scenario Manager and can select it to display its details. The detail view allows you to edit the name and description and gives an overview listing all line items and their effects over the years.

This allows you to get a quick grasp of the Assumption Impact, without having to build detailed Charts.

Editing Assumptions

Using the three-dot menu of an assumption next to its name allows you to:

  • add a line-item to the assumption

  • edit the assumption. This will open the detail page of the Assumption and is equivalent to selecting the Assumption in the overview list

  • duplicate the assumption. This will create a copy including all Line-Items

  • save the assumption as a template

  • upload an XLSX file to base the assumption on or download the XLSX file of the current assumption

  • manifest a version of the assumption or return it to a previously manifested version

  • deleting the assumption. This will delete the assumption with all its Line-Items

When hovering over the name of an assumption or a line-item in the list, two small arrows appear on the left. You can use these to rearrange the order of your assumptions or to sort the line items in an assumption. Sort your assumptions according to topics or other properties like priorities, whatever fits your purpose best. 

You can also do this by dragging and dropping assumptions to its new place.

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