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Expected Levels

Expected Levels define the minimum levels for a node, ensuring that empty nodes without formulas can still pass model validation. By manually adding expected levels, the system treats the node as if it contains these levels, even if no data is present.

This functionality prevents validation errors when calculating with empty nodes and allows you to create blueprints for simulations. These blueprints can later be populated with data using line-items, making it easier to set up and refine your models in advance.

Editing Expected Levels

Empty Nodes: Without a formula, the node has no available levels (Pic 1).


Pic 1: Empty Node ‘Blueprint’

Open Validation Settings: Go to the Node Inspector and open the Validation Settings tab (Pic 2).


Pic 2: Node Inspector > Validation Settings

Set Expected Levels: Add all levels the node should have in the future under Expected Levels (Pic 3).


Pic 3: Edit expected levels

Save Changes: After saving, the node will now display the chosen levels as available levels (Pic 4).


Pic 4: Available levels on an empty node with expected levels

The node will pass model validation, even without data.

For information regarding validations in general and all its settings, see our validations documentation.

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