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Node Actions: Copy/Paste, Move, Delete, Search

Nodes can be changed individually or in batches

  • Select a single Node by clicking on it.

  • Use 'Tree select' to select all Nodes that are required for the calculation of the current Node.

  • Hold CTRL (⌘ on Mac) and click to select multiple Nodes.

  • Hold CTRL (⌘ on Mac) and click on selected Nodes to deselect them.

Copy and Paste

Nodes can be copied by selecting the copy button in the right inspector panel or by pressing Ctrl+C (+C on Mac) on the keyboard. The copied Nodes can then be pasted with Ctrl+V (+V on Mac). Nodes can be pasted in the same Model, other Models of the same or different projects, and also into another instance. On paste, Nodes might become invalid as references to not accessible elements are removed. This can include references in the operation like other Nodes or data sources as well as setting like the weighting Node for a weighted average aggregation or impact proxies.

Move to other Models

If you want to move Nodes to another Model, select the three-dot action menu and 'Move'. This will keep references to assumption line items intact. The move operation might fail if references would be invalid due to the move. If the move succeeds, the Node(s) are still valid and numbers do not change.



Delete Nodes by selecting the three-dot action menu and 'Delete'.

Click the search icon in the top left or hit CTRL + F (⌘ + F on Mac) to search for Nodes in your current Model and Submodels.

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