Logging Configuration
NOTE: In application versions that use older version of Grails (Prior to Valsight Version 6) the configuration of logback was done using a logback.groovy file. This is no longer possible and configuration must be done through an XML file named logback-spring xml.
External Configuration File
You can instruct Valsights Logback
component to use an external configuration file with a system property:
$ ./gradlew -Dlogging.config=/Users/me/config/logback-spring.xml bootRun
In our distribution folder you can simply add the system property to one of the following files, depends on your environment:
windowsservice/valsightservice.xml: simply add the property to the tag <arguments></arguments>
bin/valsight-server.bat: Add the property to the already declared variable DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS
bin/valsight-server: Add the property to the already declared variable DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS
Example logback-spring.xml configuration files:
Configure Logback given the number of days to keep the logs to archived | Configure Logback given the size of the files and the number of logs to archive |
Download the attached file and configure manually the following parameter to customize the number of days that a log is kept.
| Download the attached file and configure manually the following parameters to customize the size of the logging file and the number of versions that you want to archive.