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Release Notes 1.18

What's new

The 1.18 release focusses on more predicable division behaviour. Divisions are now always calculated on the lowest available level, instead of the requested levels, which makes modelling much easier. To still allow dynamically calculated ratios a new RATIO function is available, which allows you to model typical KPIs like profit margin, which need to be calculated for the current view or filter.

The rollup function now supports the aggregation types Closing Sum and Closing Average, which help to calculate for example stock levels at the end of a certain time period.

We improved the up and download of assumptions as Excel files. The upload is now much more reliable, even in edge cases, e.g. with identical assumption line items and names that exceed Excels maximum sheet name length.

New Features

  • ES-5593 Division on most fine-granular level & RATIO function

Bug Fixes

  • Various sorting issues, e.g. assumptions in bridges, items in Excel downloads, nodes in the tree view are now sorted
  • Disaggregation of non-dimensional nodes is now supported

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