Release Notes 3.4.0
3.4.0 is a Long-term-Support Release, which will get security upgrades until
Faster and better filters
Now it is faster than ever to create and manage filters in your workspace even for large dimensions. Find the new filter next to the validation button in the center of your workspace header.
Use the Filter Management to quickly set up filters which will affect all charts in your workspace.
New formula: SIGNUM
Want to find out the sign of a number? Now you can use the SIGNUM function for it. It returns +1 for positive values, -1 for negative values and 0 for 0.
Multiple inputs for a workflow can now be submitted at once.
Performance improvements for the excel download of assumptions.
Outgoing SAML requests can now be signed with sha256.
Integrated Component Version
Component | Version |
AdoptOpenJDK | jdk8u222-b10 |
Jetty | 9.4.11.v20180605 |