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Licenses, User Types & Access Management

Introduction of User Types

Valsight is licensed based on the number of named users. A named user is any natural person authorized by the customer to use the software under the terms stated in the overarching Valsight Agreements.

The maximum number of users is defined by the license. The licensed users are differentiated by user types, whereas each type allows users to use different parts of the application. The current usage and capacity can be viewed on the license page by system admins.

Supported user types: 

  1. Analyst/Basic User: Can access simulation workspaces and build charts, but not change any data (no Scenario Manager access). Can view and create presentations.

  2. Simulation User: Same as the Analyst/Basic User + can access simulation workspaces, change data in the Scenario Manager, can upload/update/edit data sources and use Workflows.

  3. Model User: Same as Simulation User + can create and edit projects, models, dimensions, and data sources and use and edit Workflows.

  4. Unrestricted User: Same as Model User + can be a global admin which lifts all restrictions and enables full access, e.g. to settings and configuration.

Note: User types only impose restrictions on top of access rights, users still need to be given specific rights for each project/model/workspace/presentation/workflow that they want to access. Additionally, this also means that users with a restricted user type (e.g. being a basic user) will not be able to open a project although they have been given access to it.

Valsight Access Management

While there are 4 types of licenses, Valsight offers additional options on how to further define access rights for advanced customization among users.  

Places to edit the Valsight Access Management


The initial access rights for each user are defined by the license type. Being able to choose between 4 different types of users, enables individually composed license packages. 

Valsight settings

Access rights

The access rights settings can be reached via the Valsight settings. Here, permissions can be granted in an overview of projects, Models, Workspaces and presentations. Learn more.

User management

The user management can be reached via the Valsight settings. Here, you can edit the permissions of each individual user. Learn more.

Group management

The group management can be reached via the Valsight settings. Here, access rights can be provided by assigning users to groups. Learn more.

Data permission classes

The data permission classes can be reached via the Valsight settings under 'Projects > Security'. Data permissions define which data a user can access. They can be configured for a project and will be enforced for Charts in Simulation Workspaces. Learn more.

Overview of User Type Access Limitations


  • The premise for users to have the access rights mentioned in the table below is that the according access rights have been granted.

    • The table shows the maximum possible access for a specific license type. To reach that maximum, proper access rights have to be given.

  • The unrestricted user has the same abilities as a Model User except for the ability to be a global admin.

The access to projects, models and workspaces can further be split into 2 levels each. This enables the split between users actively working in a space and users viewing the space for information purposes.

  • By creating a new project (as any eligible user type) you automatically become the project admin for the respective project.




Can Use

(Project/Global) Admin

Read-Only/Can View

Can Edit

(Project/Global) Admin

Limited Access

Full Access

(Project/Global) Admin

In the table below, we only focused on those limitations that have a direct influence on the user type. 

Analyst/Basic User

Simulation User

Model User

Unrestricted User


(Creating a project automatically makes you that project’s admin)

Can Use

Can Use

Can Use

Project Admin

Global Admin

  • Cannot create a project

  • Cannot delete

  • Cannot duplicate

  • Cannot upload image

  • Can open and see the project settings, but cannot change or edit anything

    • Not able to import scenarios

    • Not able to configure variables

  • Cannot change access rights

No change in rights if selected as project admin (In the access control, it's shown as “Can Use” although I have set it to project admin)

  • Cannot create project

  • Cannot delete

  • Cannot duplicate

  • Cannot upload image

  • Can open and see the project settings, but cannot change or edit anything

    • Not able to import scenarios

    • Not able to configure variables

  • Cannot change access rights

  • Project admin rights (only effect on data sources)

    • Can see/ create/delete/edit data sources

  • Can create project

  • Cannot delete (except your own)

  • Cannot duplicate (except your own)

  • Cannot upload image (except your own)

  • Can open and see the project settings, but cannot change or edit anything (except your own)

    • Not able to import scenarios

    • Not able to configure variables

  • Cannot change access rights

  • Can create projects

  • Can delete projects

  • Can duplicate

  • Can upload images

  • Can open, see and edit project settings

    • Can Import scenarios

    • Can configure variables

  • Can change access rights

A Modeler that is project admin, can only have “Can Edit” rights on a model!

A Modeler that is project admin, can only have “Full Access” on a workspace!

  • Full access to projects

    • Can edit project settings

    • Can access and edit the project

    • Can create/delete users and groups


Creating a model automatically gives you “Can Edit” rights for that model

Read-Only/Can View

Read-Only/Can View

Read-Only/Can View with Can Use rights for project

Read-Only/Can View not possible when Modeler is project admin.

Can Edit with Can Use rights for the project

Can Edit with Project Admin rights for the project

A Modeler that is project admin, can only have “Can Edit” rights on a model.

Global Admin

  • Model overview

    • Cannot create model

    • Cannot delete model

    • Cannot upload image

    • Cannot duplicate model

    • Can see model graph - but only names of models with access

    • Cannot open/see model settings dialog

  • In the model

    • Cannot upload data/create data source

    • Can download model specific data sources

    • Cannot edit nodes (settings, formulas) but can see all formulas and all settings

    • Cannot create/delete nodes

    • Cannot move nodes

    • Cannot create Sections

    • Can see Data Preview

    • Can change validation settings

  • Model overview

    • Cannot create model

    • Cannot delete model

    • Cannot upload image

    • Cannot duplicate model

    • Can see model graph - but only names of models with access to

    • Cannot open/see model settings dialog

  • In the model

    • Cannot upload data/create data source

    • Can download model specific data sources

    • Cannot edit nodes (settings, formulas) but can see all formulas and all settings

    • Cannot create/delete nodes

    • Cannot move nodes

    • Cannot create sections

    • Can see data preview

    • Can change validation settings

Can be selected to have “Can edit” rights, but does nothing

  • (In the access control, it's shown as “Can Use” although I have set it to project admin)

  • Model overview

    • Cannot create model (except your own)

    • Cannot delete model (except your own)

    • Cannot upload image (except your own)

    • Cannot duplicate model

    • Can see model graph - but only names of models with access

    • Cannot open/see model settings dialog

  • In the model

    • Cannot upload data/create data source

    • Can download model specific data sources

    • Cannot edit nodes (settings, formulas) but can see all formulas and all settings

    • Cannot create/delete nodes

    • Cannot move nodes

    • Can copy nodes

    • Cannot paste nodes

    • Cannot create Sections

    • Can see Data Preview

    • Can change validation settings

  • Model overview

    • Cannot create

    • Can delete

    • Cannot duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Can see model graph - but only names of models with access

    • Can see and edit model settings

  • In the model

    • Cannot upload/create model data source

    • Can download model specific data sources

    • Can see and edit nodes (settings & formulas)

    • Can create/delete nodes

    • Can move nodes

    • Can copy nodes

    • Can paste nodes

    • Can create sections

    • Can see data preview

    • Can change validations

  • Model overview

    • Can create

    • Can delete

    • Can duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Can see model graph

    • Can see and edit model settings

  • In the model

    • Can upload data/create data source

    • Can download model data

    • Can see and edit nodes (settings & formulas)

    • Can create/delete nodes

    • Can move nodes

    • Can copy nodes

    • Can paste nodes

    • Can create sections

    • Can see data preview

    • Can change validations

  • Full access to models

    • Can see the models

    • Can access and edit models

    • Can create models


Creating a workspace automatically gives you Full Access on that workspace

Limited Access

Cannot have Full Access.

Limited Access

Full Access

Limited Access and Can Use on project

Limited Access not possible when the user is project admin.

Full Access and Can Use on project

If you create a workspace (even with Limited Access) you have full access automatically.

Project Admin

A modeler that is project admin, can only have “Full Access” on a workspace.

Global Admin

  • Workspace overview

    • Cannot create workspace

    • Cannot delete workspace

    • Cannot open/see workspace settings dialog

    • Cannot upload ws picture

    • Cannot duplicate

    • Possible to see shared scenarios

    • Not possible to unshare scenarios

  • In the workspace

    • Can change validation settings

    • Able to add/delete and edit workspace filters

    • Full interaction with worksheets

    • Can see Scenario Manager but not edit/share/duplicate anything in there

      • You can save a version, restore an old version but cannot delete and old version (in the new world)

    • Can add/remove columns

    • Can collapse/decollapse assumption groups

    • Able to use search function / custom property filters

  • Workspace overview

    • Can create workspaces

    • Can delete

    • Can duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Cannot open/see workspace settings dialog

    • Can see shared scenarios

    • Cannot unshare shared scenarios

  • In the workspace

    • Can change and trigger validation settings

    • Able to add/delete and edit workspace filters

    • Full interaction with worksheets

    • Can see Scenario Manager but not edit anything in there

    • Can add/remove columns

    • Can collapse/decollapse assumption groups

    • Able to use search function / custom property filters

  • Can change access rights for the workspace

  • Workspace overview

    • Can create workspaces

    • Can delete

    • Can duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Can edit the workspace settings

    • Can see shared scenarios

    • Cannot unshare shared scenarios (except scenarios shared by themselves)

  • In the workspace

    • Full interaction with worksheets possible

    • Full interaction with Scenario Manager possible

  • Workspace overview

    • Can create workspaces

    • Cannot delete (except own ws)

    • Cannot duplicate (except own ws)

    • Cannot upload images (except own ws)

    • Cannot see settings

    • Can see shared scenarios

    • Cannot unshare shared scenarios (except scenarios shared by themselves)

  • In the workspace

    • Able to trigger validation and change validation settings

    • Able to add/delete and edit workspace filters

    • Full interaction with worksheets

    • Can see Scenario Manager but not edit anything in there

  • Can change access rights for the workspace

  • Workspace overview

    • Can create workspaces

    • Can delete

    • Can duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Can edit the workspace settings

    • Can see shared scenarios

    • Can unshare shared scenarios

  • In the workspace

    • Full interaction with worksheets possible

    • Full interaction with Scenario Manager possible

  • Can change access rights for the workspace

  • Workspace overview

    • Can create workspaces

    • Can delete

    • Can duplicate

    • Can upload image

    • Can edit the workspace settings

    • Can see shared scenarios

    • Can unshare shared scenarios

  • In the workspace

    • Full interaction with worksheets possible

    • Full interaction with Scenario Manager possible

  • Full access to Workspaces

    • Can edit/change workspaces

    • Can interact with the Scenario Manager

    • Can change access rights for workspaces

Data Source

Can Use/No Access on project level

Can Use/No Access on project level

Project Admin on project level

Can Use on project level

Project Admin

Global Admin

  • No access to data sources

  • No access to data sources

  • Can see data sources

  • Can update/edit data sources

  • No access to data sources

  • Can see data sources

  • Can change/delete/edit/upload data sources

  • Full access to data sources

    • Can see data sources

    • Can edit data sources

Export Manager

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports

Data Permission Class

Can Use/No Access on project level

Can Use/No Access on project level

Project Admin on project level

Can Use on project level

Project Admin

Global Admin

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage own exports

  • Can update own exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports

  • Create exports

  • View and manage all exports

  • Can update all exports


  • No access to Dimensions

  • No access to Dimensions

  • No access to Dimensions

Project Admin

Global Admin

  • Can see the Dimensions

  • Can change/delete/edit Dimensions

  • Full access to Dimensions

Can Use on project level

Project Admin


  • Cannot create a workflow

  • Cannot configure workflow steps

  • Cannot create workflow steps

  • Can update submission data, promote and demote steps via the workflow menu and via the Scenario Manager (when permission rights are assigned)

  • Cannot create a workflow

  • Cannot create workflow steps

  • Cannot configure workflow steps

  • Can update submission data, promote and demote steps via the workflow menu and via the Scenario Manager (when permission rights are assigned)

  • Cannot create a workflow

  • Cannot create workflow steps

  • Cannot configure workflow steps

  • Can update submission data, promote and demote steps via the workflow menu and via the Scenario Manager (when permission rights are assigned)

  • Can create

  • Can edit

  • Can configure workflow steps

  • Can create workflow steps

  • Can update submission data, promote and demote steps via the workflow menu and via the Scenario Manager

  • Full access to Workflows

    • Can create/edit Workflows

    • Can create Workflow steps

    • Can configure Workflow steps 

    • Can promote/demote Workflow steps


  • Can create presentations

  • Can view presentations

  • Can delete presentations

  • Can create presentations

  • Can view presentations

  • Can delete presentations

  • Can view presentations

  • Can create presentations

Global Admin

  • Full access to presentations

    • Can view/create presentations

    • Can change access rights to presentations

Can be Global Admin





Advanced Configuration

User types are chosen when creating an account and can also be changed later. Disabled users do not count towards the limit. If you have reached the capacity for a certain type and create a new user, that user will be created as disabled. Enabling a user is allowed as long as you don't exceed the capacity of that user's type. When logging in via SSO and auto-creating users, the default type of a new account is unrestricted but can be changed by modifying the 'autoCreatedUserType' option from the config.yml (see Common SSO Options).

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