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Release Notes 5.2.0

Valsight Version 5.2.0 adds a Template Manager, an updated scenario export process with a more flexible model and node selection, one new formula and the ability of creating more than 10 Line-Item Variants.

Template Manager

With the 5.2.0 release, Valsight introduces a Template Manager which can be found in the navigation bar.

The Template Manager allows users to manually create customized export templates for a desired use case.

These Templates allow a more flexible node selection when exporting scenarios, but also provide a standardized frame for recurring exports.

These templates are saved and editable in the Template Manager.

Templates can lead to a reduced number of data exported, which leads to lower loading times.

To learn more, click here.

Scenario Export

Exporting scenarios is already possible in Valsight. With the 5.2.0 Version, Valsight implements a customizable scenario export which allow users to select which nodes to be included in the export. 

The optimized process provides a detailed guidance through the export steps. 

The advanced customizability provides the user with a flexible way of adding or removing nodes from the export, instead of exporting all existing nodes.

With the ability to create export templates, scenarios can be exported in a standardized frame. These templates can be created and stored in the Template Manager.

In the scenario export process, the Templates can be applied and further modified to fit your need.

To learn more, please click here



The FILLMISSING formula enables users to fill up nodes with missing level values of a dimension and add values to those.


Fills up all the missing level values of a specified dimension to the data of the input node. The input node must already contain the levels of the dimension.


FILLMISSING('Node' [, "Dimension" [, "Value"]])


  • Node: A node (with potentially missing level values)
  • Dimension: Name of the dimension which level values will be used to fill up the input node. This function does not add levels to the input, it just fills up missing level values of the levels already present. The default level that is filled up is "Time".
  • Value: The value of the new rows. The default value is 0.
  • Node must already contain levels of the specified dimension
  • If the node contains linked levels it is not possible to fill values of the dimension that is linked too. Fill the values that is linked from to get all the valid values instead.
  • Important: This function always makes the links from the levels of the specified dimension be the same as in the dimension management.
  • Do not use this function if you want the Node to have different level links as the dimensions.

For more information, click here.

Line-Item Variants

With Valsight Version 5.2.0, the maximum number of Variants per Line-Item is made configurable. 

This configuration can be changed in the Valsight Settings > Settings under 'System' and 'featureFlags.maxVariantsLimitForLineItems'.

The default value will be set on 20 Variants per Line-Item.

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